Ekayur Bio Products - A Natural Health Solution

Coleus Extract

Coleus Extract

Botanical Name: Coleus forskohlii

Active Content: Coleus forskohlii 10%, 20%, 40%, 80%

Coleus forskohlii extract is manufactured from the dried roots of the plant Plactranthus barbatus, also known as Coleus forskohlii. Coleus forskohlii plant is a tropical perennial plant of the species Coleus and family laminacea. It is native of Southern Asia and now widely cultivated in western Tamil Nadu, India, to meet the world demand. Since ancient times Coleus roots are used in food and folk medicine for many health benefits besides a natural remedy for fat reduction.

  • Promoting Healthy Cardio Vascular Function
  • Lower Elevated Blood Pressure
  • Eye Health Support
  • Cognitive Health Support
  • Antioxidant Support
  • Immune Support
  • Skin Health Support
  • Poultry Pigmentation