Ekayur Bio Products - A Natural Health Solution

Piperine Extract

Piperine Extract

Botanical Name: Piper nigrum

Active Content: Piperine by HPLC

Piperine is a solid substance that is essentially insoluble in water. It is initially tasteless, but leaves a burning aftertaste. Piperine belongs to the vanilloid family of compounds, which also includes capsaicin, the pungent substance in hot chili peppers.

BioPerine is a patented extract of piperine that is easy for your body to absorb and found in many supplements. Studies show that piperine might help enhance nutrient absorption, stabilize blood sugar levels, combat cancer cell growth, decrease inflammation, and boost brain function

Uses :-
  • High in antioxidants
  • Has anti-inflammatory properties
  • Improve brain function
  • Improve blood sugar metabolism
  • May lower cholesterol levels
  • May have cancer-fighting properties
  • Boosts absorption of nutrients